Cedar (Year 5)
Cedar Class
Hello and welcome to Cedar class, my name is Mrs Griffin and I am the year 5 class teacher in the mornings. I am the maths lead across the school and am so proud of the journey our school has been on over the last few years! I am an experienced teacher and have taught every year group throughout my 18 year career!
Last year I covered PPA across the school as well as covering for staff training and absences but I am excited to teach year 5 this year.
I am passionate about providing high-quality teaching and learning to all. My primary aim as a class teacher is to provide a safe, engaging learning environment where all learners can flourish, develop independence and be the best that they can be.
In my free time, I enjoy travelling with my husband and two daughters. As a family, we love anything Disney whether that be watching movies or visiting Cinderella’s Castle! I also enjoy holidays with my two dogs Milo (a cocker spaniel) and Slinky (a miniature dachshund).
In Cedar class we are lucky to be joined by Miss Cox who is the class teaching assistant.
Spring Curriculum Map
Y5 & 6 Houses of Parliament Trip 2023
Our Guided Reading text
Autumn A update
Cedar class had a very busy first half-term back. The children particularly enjoyed making mixed media self portraits and following the adventures of Professor Steg in Fortunately the Milk by Neil Gaiman. They have also been busy in the garden, harvesting last year's potato crop and making (and eating!) home-grown leek and potato soup.
Our Class Text
Autumn Curriculum Map
Y5 Viney Hill Residential 2023
Year 5 Residential - Viney Hill
Cedar Class had a fantastic time on an action-packed residential in April. Lots of laughing, fun and overcoming fears (the climbing wall was VERY high) made for a great three days. Crate-stacking seemed to be the favourite activity, but other challenges included navigation, climbing, archery, bush-craft and tunneling. New friends were made with the children from English Bicknor, who stayed alongside us, and Year 5 should be very proud of themselves for their 'can-do' attitude during the trip.
Tree Planting
Year 5 planted an apple tree in Gardening Club this week. Hopefully, after a few summers, there will be fruit to collect. Other tasks this week included planting pumpkin seeds, 'pricking out' lettuce seedlings and ensuring the beds are ready for planting.