At Bream C of E Primary School, we believe that every child should be nurtured and guided towards reaching their full potential. Every child is entitled to quality first teaching alongside exposure to a wide range of enriching experiences. To allow all children to achieve this, we will provide the necessary support to meet every individual need.
SEND or Special Educational Needs and Disability is when pupils need additional or different provision to enable them to achieve their potential. It is when one or more of the following is a barrier to their learning:
· Language and Communication
· Social, Mental and Emotional Health
· Cognition & Learning
· Medical, Physical or Sensory Needs
At Bream C of E the progress and attainment of all pupils is reviewed every term by the senior leadership team and teaching staff, at which time provision may be adjusted to meet identified needs. If a child continues to have difficulty after intervention or has a high level of difficulty when they join us, they may be considered to have special educational need (SEND) and be placed on the SEN register. If you, as a parent have concerns, you should firstly speak to your child’s teacher and afterwards, may wish to contact the SENDCo.
All relevant parties, including the child and parents, are consulted as part of the school’s decision to place on the register. We value the dialogue between staff and parents and implement regular formal and informal meetings where all parties may raise concerns.
If your child goes onto the SEN register, a My Plan will be created by their class teacher. This document will include targets for your child, as well as information as to how all adults, including parents, can help them to achieve them.
The My Plan is reviewed a minimum of 3 times a year in consultation with children, parents and the class teacher. The SENCo Lead will attend review meeting when asked to do so by parents or teachers. If you would like the SENCo to attend parents evening, please let the class teacher know.
If multiple agencies are involved in providing support/guidance to help your child, a My Plan+ may be written. This would be carried out by the SENCo, with parents, the child and class teacher contributing
If your child does not make progress after receiving such graduated support, we will discuss with you the possibility of putting your child forward for an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).
An outcome of this process may be that objectives will be set for your child and some additional funding may be available to support his/her learning in school. School will support you through this process but we will also advise you of other independent agencies who can also provide additional support to you.
What does send support look like here?
The most important level of support for your child is first quality teaching but should they need additional provision, the SEND and Inclusion Lead will work closely with the class teacher to plan and oversee this. Additional provision may include small group or 1:1 teaching, additional or different resources or strategies used to support their learning. We have TAs and teachers trained to deliver various intervention programs. These include:
· Little Wandle same day intervention and/or catch up.
· Precision teaching - a teaching method carried out on a 1-1 basis for children who may struggle with short term memory to aid them to learn facts, such as times tables, phonic sounds or high frequency words.
· Drawing and Talking—a therapeutic approach delivered 1-1 to support social emotional and mental health needs.
· Fizzy - a fine and gross motor co-ordination programme, carried out in small groups.
· S.C.I.P. (Social Communication and Interaction programme) - carried out in small groups.
· Talk Boost - a supporting children with language and communication needs, carried out in small groups.
The school employs a part time ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support person) who works with children 1-1 or as part of a group.
The school employs a part-time SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), who is also the SEND and Inclusion Lead for the Academy and has completed the National Award for SENCo's.
All teaching staff are kept up to date with best practice to support pupils with SEND and in house training or courses to enhance expertise are arranged according to the needs of our pupils.
If your child has an Education Health Plan (EHCP) with funding attached, the provision provided would be discussed and planned for in meetings with parents and possibly other outside agencies (see next section for details). The funding may be spent on TA support for the child in school or in other ways to meet the needs of the ‘whole’ child.
Should your child struggle with, for example, reading, if appropriate staff in school may apply for additional time for the child to access the Year 6 SAT’s. They may also complete tests on a 1:1 basis. Each child’s needs would be assessed and appropriate support provided, following national guidance.
To enable access for those who are disabled, the sight is all on one level, with ramps to and from the playground. The school is looking to improve the fluctuating levels in the playground, by having it resurfaced. There is an adapted toilet ensuring accessibility for disabled children and visitors. There is a medical space within the disabled toilet, with a locked cabinet should medicine need to be stored securely.
What if more is needed to support my child?
When a child needs additional provision that we are unable to provide through the school’s resources, we may consider putting your child forward to work with outside agencies. This could involve working with Educational Psychology Services or Advisory Teaching Teams as well as other outside agencies. This would only occur with parental permission and notes from work carried out would be shared with you.
These agencies may include:
· School Nurse
· Educational Psychologist (EP)
· Speech and Language Therapist
· Occupational Therapist (OT)
· Consultant Pediatrician (referred via G.P.) or SCAAS (Social Communication and Autism Service)
· Advisory Teaching Service (ATS)
· Children and Young People Metal Health Service (CAHMs 2gether NHS)
Should your child have a specific learning difficulty their provision will be looked at and planned for on an individual basis. If your child has one of the following learning difficulties, their provision may include some of the following:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder - visual timetables, social stories and home/school books.
Hearing Impairment—Talk Boost and Speech and Language intervention resources, such as Black Sheep.
Visual Impairment—enlarged worksheets, background colours adjusted on boards and adjustments to the physical space of the school if needed.
Should your child have difficulty in conforming to behaviour expectations we may look at structures in place and the physical space of the classroom. Additionally Social stories to support your child with any changes or school trips may be written.
Should any child need medical or personal care this is treated with sensitivity by all staff involved, ensuring the dignity and of the child is maintained. In consultation with parents, staff are trained by relevant professionals to under take necessary tasks, following the child's care plan. Children with medical or personal care needs are likely to need additional support when on school trips and/or residential trips. This would be planned for carefully and full risk assessments written along with the staff: ratio being modified if needed.
When a child on the SEN register transfers to our school or joins us from an Early Years Setting, discussions with the former setting are held and records are received and read. As the parent, your child’s class teacher will discuss targets and concerns with you and similarly, do contact the school if you wish to discuss any concerns. If your child is transferring to another school, all records will be delivered to the receiving school and a meeting or discussion with the receiving school will be arranged. Should the child be transferring to a secondary school and have an EHC plan, a transfer review is held during year 5 where parents and children meet staff from the receiving school and the needs of the child are discussed.
We recognise that having a child with additional needs can be challenging . We aim to support you and your child and strive to work together to achieve the best possible outcome for every child at our school.
SEND Information Report
The Children and Families Act (2014) introduced many changes to support for young people in Education with Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND). In England, Statements of Special Educational Needs and Learning Difficulty Assessments have now been replaced by Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans.
In Gloucestershire, there is a graduated pathway to support all children with additional needs. If you have any concerns about your child's development, talk to the school in the first instance. Your child's SENCO will be able to help with any questions you may have.
You will be able to find out more information about how schools support children and young people with SEND in the Local Offer description for each school, and from the School's SEN Information Report. You can also find out about more information in the 'related information' articles on the directory. You will find this information when you click on 'View all services' on the right hand side of the screen, and then you will see related information articles listed at the top.
For general information about education, visit the Education section within the Family Information Directory.